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Identity Study

A seven-chapter workbook + video teaching study of discovering the unique woman God made you to be.

identity: a soul journey










Identity: A Soul Journey was the most impactful study I have ever done as a Christian. I have been a Christian my whole life, went to Biola and received a minor in Bible, have taught numerous Bible studies for my peers and high school youth and nothing compares to what this study has done in my life. I have never taken the time to do that amount of soul care and searching to understand how God made me so specifically and uniquely and how my environment, family and culture have influenced me.

- Jamie, California


It's hard to even explain the depths of how this study has launched me into a deeper realization of who I am, where I came from, and that despite my past, I can live in true freedom.









- Elizabeth, Nevada

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This study is by far the best study I have ever done and helped to open my heart for God to move in big ways. Since completing the study I have come so far in identifying root causes for a lot of the shame, guilt and anxiety I have. God has truly been at work in my heart and changing my identity to be in Him.

- Ashley, California

here's how it works:

Identity Study

I think what I love most about this study is having all of this important work done in one workbook to have as a continued resource and reference. It was such a great tool for God to speak to me and unpack who I am at my core.









- Karen, Arizona

video teachings


What age group is this for?


We recommend this study for any women ages 15-70. We've recognized that at different seasons of life - college, working world, marriage, motherhood, retirement - women wrestle in new ways with their identity. This study serves as a guide to help you navigate through whatever season of life you find yourself in, or transitioning into.

What are the costs if I want to go through the study?


To go through the study you will need a workbook and the video teaching sessions. Each workbook is $20, the DVD is $40, or you can stream all videos on Vimeo for $27.99. No hidden costs. 


We do offer discounted rates for bulk orders. If you are interested in learning more about these rates, please contact us

How much does shipping cost?


For an individual package (workbook + DVD), or for an individual workbook, shipping costs $6.45 and goes up from there depending on the size of your order and the distance from San Diego, CA. 

Would this be a good mother/daughter study?​


Yes! We've had several mother/daughter groups go through this study and the response has been very positive. This study serves as a great tool to help open the lines of communication within this important relationship.

I have a large group or ministry that I want to take through this study. What do I do?


First, contact us and let us know how large your group is. We offer discounted rates for bulk orders.


Second, we recommend you place your order with us at least one month before you plan on starting the study with your group.


Lastly, we have tips and suggestions that have worked well with other groups that we are happy to share with you.   



What's the suggested format for larger groups?


Most groups gather together to watch the video sessions each week and then break off into smaller groups to share and go through the week's content from the workbook.


Some groups have led their women in worship to begin their gathering, followed by the video teaching and then onto small groups. 

hear what women are saying

leader resources

Click the icon on the left to download our Leader Guide. This guide will help equip you to lead women through the "Identity: A Soul Journey" study. In it you will find helpful tips & suggestions, logistics and details pertaining to the study, and weekly discussion questions to help start and guide group discussion. 






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